Saturday, October 12, 2013

Carlsbad Beach, California

Room with a view! This last week, I have been staying at my timeshare in Carlsbad. Our room has the most incredible view. Sometimes I am so tired, that I just sit on the balcony overlooking the ocean and watch the world go by.
Me on one of my more energetic days, out combing the beaches with Tom and Judy.
A spectacular sunset; so nice after the crowds have gone home and we can enjoy the quiet.
My sister, Judy, and her husband Tom, came down from Pollock Pines to spend the week with me. So much fun! We ate in Mexican restaurants, drank tons of coffee, sat in the hot tub, walked the beaches and mellowed out on the balcony.
Here I am, sitting in my favorite Carlsbad coffee shop, that also has a wine bar and a chocolate bar. Life is good, in spite of all the hardships!
Seagulls reflected in the sand.
One afternoon we walked down the beach. The tide was out so very far and created pools of water in the sand that reflected the houses along the shore.

Me and Judy, my dear sister and closest friend. Love you girlfriend!
My dear brother Tom, always ready to laugh and carry on, treating us to dinner, and showering us with his quick wit and wonderful caring. Love you Tom!
 Sunset from the balcony of our room. Doesn't get much better than that!