Monday, October 28, 2013

Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum, Vista California

Last weekend I stopped by the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista, for a huge tractor show. It was so much fun walking around, eyeing all the funky old tractors that people have restored. A handsome man on a tractor, hauled a wagon back and forth all day long to the Mexican festival, Dia de los Muertos held right next to the Museum in an old adobe building. At midday they have this old fashioned tractor race, where the slowest tractor wins, and another one that is more like a parade.
In a restored old building they call the farm house, ladies bake old fashioned food and let us all sample it. They didn't seem to mind me going back for seconds, or even thirds on the delicious peanut butter cookies!
 The  building is decorated with authentic, vintage products and furniture, reminding me of the old movies they show on TV at my doctors office!
This bright purple Jumbo tractor is totally cool, with a shiny gold elephant mounted to the front.
This is Jack, a happy-go-lucky guy who cannot seem to wipe that grin off his face.
Tractor row; some of the hundreds of tractors, steam engines, washing machines and what not displayed at the museum.
A beautiful dark haired young girl, all ready for Dia de los Muertos, who volunteered to have her picture taken! How I wished  I knew who she was so she could have a copy of this.  
As you can see I am fascinated by wheels, of every shape, size, color and age.
There is something about the continuing motion of  a wheel, that speaks to me of our need to keep moving and avoid getting stuck in the bitter potholes of life that tend to drag us down.

 This little train takes people all around the museum grounds. It is quite fun sitting in the back and seeing the sights.
Pumpkins, gourds and vines, all represent this wonderful fall season. Cold autumn nights, warm, windy days, falling leaves, toasted pumpkin seeds, red, orange and yellow leaves, misty mornings and lots of strong, hot coffee, homemade chicken veggie soup and carrot raisin muffins are all part of my world at this time of year!
To you and yours, a very Happy Fall Day! Susan Little