Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Big Bear Lake, California

Last week I drove up to Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California. On my way in, I stopped at Green Valley Lake and have vague memories of visiting that small lake as a child. It was all very pretty!
While at Big Bear Lake, I stayed with my long time friend, Nancy. From her cabin, we walked up to Snow Summit Ski Resort, pictured above, to watch the skiers and sit by the huge fireplace. 
I am amazed by icicles, and frantically took pictures of all the icicles we came across on our wanderings. No, I didn't eat any icicles, but could not resist the chocolate covered pretzels and hot coffee down in the village!
 One morning we woke up to fresh snow covering the ground and shaking down off the trees. Always a miracle in my opinion. I quickly grabbed my camera, stepped outside and took pictures!

Freshly fallen snow on a manzanita bush.
My cold little Subee, covered in snow, waiting for the sun to come out. When I saw the snow on my car was going to take forever to melt, I got Nancy's big snow brush and knocked all the snow off. 
We took a walk into town and wandered through the village and down by Big Bear Lake. It was incredibly cold that day, around 20 degrees, and the lake was surrounded by snow and ice. 
The ducks were all gathered together, pecking in the snow, probably looking for bugs. 
That would be me, all bundled up, as we walked through the Village. 
This beautiful lady is Nancy, and her sweet little kitty, who is actually a very old lady cat! The little dog in pic above is Logan, Nancy's most beloved little pet. Logan is blind, but that didn't stop him from enjoying life and all it has to offer. Nancy has taught me so much; how to enjoy relaxing, how to have fun, how to love others, whether they are human or animals, and how to eat Tater Tots. 
On my way home, I tried not to get myself killed as I kept stopping on the highway to take more pictures. God was very gracious and kept me safe and sound, although I was very tired by the time I got home. Thank you Lord for protecting me and thank you Nancy, for a wonderful visit!