Friday, December 15, 2017

Lake Tahoe, California

Over Thanksgiving I drove up to Lake Tahoe in Northern California and spent the week at a cabin in South Lake Tahoe with my sisters clan, the Passafiume family. Fog covered the lake as we drove up into the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
The dramatic scenery in the Sierra Nevada Mountains always captures my heart.
Rugged mountains, deep blue sky, wispy white clouds and pine trees all make me love the Sierras.
We stayed at a cabin in South Lake Tahoe and kept a lookout for bears. No we didn't see any!
But we did see lots of trees and lots of water and lots of clouds!
The Passafiume kids and grandkids; a fun, lively bunch that always make me laugh. Our Thanksgiving dinner was a combined effort with everybody pitching in to make some very delicious food. I am very thankful to God to be able to share such a special day with family.
That would be me sitting down on the right next to my brother-in-law Tom and Michele's husband Nick. Michele is holding the littlest Passafiume, Jade Rose, and Jesse, Olivia, Carson and Mikah are all standing up with my sister Judy and Jared.
Our cabin was right on a creek that flowed into Lake Tahoe. I spent many a happy moment down at the water, collecting rocks and sticks, something my grandson Dylan loves to do!
I love creeks and rivers even more than lakes and couldn't have been any happier! Thank you Tom and Judy for a wonderful trip!