Sunday, July 2, 2017

Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

 Lake Vermillion in Minnesota, tinted red by the morning sunrise. After my backpacking trip in Isle Royale, I had about 2 weeks before my canoe trip in Voyageurs National Park. For several nights I camped at Lake Vermillion and one morning while out exploring, I found this gorgeous sunrise reflecting in the lake. 
 My first encounter with mayflies was at Lake Vermillion. There must have been billions swarming over the lake in the morning and evening. Fortunately they don't sting or bite so I wasn't afraid of them and tried to just wipe them off my car and clothing each morning.
 The windswept lake was cold and beautiful. I found quite a bit of sea glass on the shore, which technically would be lake glass!
The fairly close city of Ely, where I spent time looking through the shops and taking pictures. I got used to seeing canoes and kayaks on top of vehicles, rather than surfboards like I see back home! 
After Lake Vermillion, I camped at the Kawishiwi River, which looks more like a lake than a river.
 One morning I was walking on the path by the river and surprised this little fawn. She was running down the path straight for me and skidded to a stop when she saw me. Then she promptly turned around and tore off in the other direction. Hoping to see her again, I got out my camera and stood perfectly still. Within minutes she came walking down the trail and stood right next to my leg. Maybe she thought I was a tree! She sniffed at my feet and then quietly walked off, so I snapped this shot of her. A precious encounter.
 Have been working on my photo skills and was quite pleased with this dandelion photo!
 After the Kawishiwi River, you try pronouncing these names, I drove up to Crane Lake, where my friend Jerry's wife has a family home there. Jerry was very good about giving me tips on all the places to see in Voyageurs, so I followed his advice. Thank you Jerry!
 I had coffee at one of the lodges at Crane Lake, then went down and relaxed by the water.
 My next stop was Ash River, where I found a gorgeous campground right on the river. The grass had been freshly mowed and smelled so good and a delightful breeze kept the bugs off of me.
This was my view every morning for one week! My campsite looked out over the Ash River, which also looks like a lake. It rained a little bit every day, which made for beautiful clouds.
This little Leopard Frog lived along the shore line, and each morning I walked down to visit with him. I told him all my secrets, and I am sure he kept them to himself.
 I was very excited to finally arrive at Voyageurs National Park,  located in northern Minnesota near the Canadian border.  This shot was taken at the Ash River Visitor Center, where I was climbing around on the rocks. For years I dreamed of visiting Voyageurs National Park, and now I was actually here and overflowing with joy!
Meet Wild Billy, or so his friends call him. He came into my campsite one day and invited me on a boat ride. Of course I accepted and he told me he would return in 30 minutes to take me out on his motor boat. It started raining while he was gone and I wondered if he would come back. Sure enough he did.
 While I stood on the shore of the Ash River waiting for Billy, a rainbow appeared over the river, and then he showed up. Two miracles.
  Billy took me way out into Lake Kabetogama, and officially into Voyageurs National Park, where we saw the sun setting. Over 95% of the park is in water, so I was thrilled to have a sneak preview before my canoe trip. However, they don't call Billy wild for nothing....needless to say, I was glad to get back on shore and into my warm, cozy little Subee....alone.  
 A selfie out at the Beaver Pond overlook in Ash River.
 I was so nervous to finally go on my canoe trip. It was the kind of trip where all the participants paddle, cook, clean up and what not. It was such fun hanging out with our  three guides and seven other participants. That would be me with Ricky just after we got loaded into the canoe and were setting out.
 Our first campsite on Bald Rock.  Kai is on the far right, and the four teenagers are John, Kapawlaw, Anika and Ricky. I grew to love them all in just 5 days time.
 Paddling to our second campsite on Cutover Island nearly killed me, but was fun just the same. At camp, I even jumped in the lake and swam around in my life vest! The pretty young girl in this picture is Kapawlaw, my tent roommate on the trip. I miss her quiet, sweet ways so much. She and her boyfriend John are originally from Thailand.
 Ethan showed me this birds nest he found while out looking for mushrooms. So sweet.
 Ethan, Katie and Kai, our guides for the trip. We had great food, warm fires, fun card games, lots of talking and laughing, all led by these three talented people!
 That would be Ethan, sleeping in his hammock after a hard days work.
 Here I am feeling quite happy. I was so worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone, but I did, even though I was the first one in bed every night.
 Our last night back on Bald Rock, where the storm clouds came in.
 An ominous sky gave way to rain, pouring soaking rain, that hit us in the morning as we were preparing breakfast and packing our gear. It was pretty miserable. Fortunately our paddle back to the Ash River was short.
We arrived at the dock, gathered our gear, and sorted it out of the huge waterproof bags. It was an awesome trip, so much fun, so many wonderful people. Yes I was glad to be back at my Subee, but I would do it all over again. Thank you Wilderness Inquiry for a fabulous experience!