Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Florida Keys

I am on a massive road trip and wont get home for a while. Very fun. Very eye-opening.  After my visit to the Everglades, I headed down into the Florida Keys. What a journey! So many bridges to cross, so much water everywhere. I stopped all along the way and found so many interesting things.
At Robbies Marina in Islamorada Key, there were a few guys cutting up bait for their fishing trip. Every now and then they would toss a piece of the raw squid into the water and the pelicans and fish just swarmed to get their share. 

From alligators in the Everglades to crocodiles in the Keys!
You gotta love this bird, styling in his sleek white coat and bright yellow feet! He kept inching closer and closer to the guys cutting up the fish.
The beach at John Pennenkamp Coral Reef State Park where I swam every day.
Mangrove trees grow in the brackish water along the Keys and thrive in the harsh growing conditions. Their roots are phenomenal and extend outward like an octopus and also shoot down from the branches. Both the roots and the bark are able to absorb oxygen, and when they are covered in water the cells close to keep them from drowning! They also have the capacity to filter 90% of the salt from the water they absorb which keeps them alive and happy. I am always amazed to see how God created such a variety of life and so many ways for people and plants to survive. Our God is an amazing God!
I love bridges and piers, and love to photograph them from underneath. This was at Key Largo, in John Pennenkamp Coral Reef State Park. I camped there for two nights and loved every minute, but did get nearly eaten alive by mosquitos.
Iguanas are everywhere in Key Largo. These green ones were walking around all over the place. They walk so strange as their back feet are so big. Almost like an exaggerated step, each time.
 This iguana was huge, and walked right by me while I was on the beach. I watched him for quite some time as he slowly made his way into the water.
In Key West I found so many unusual sights and met some awesome folks. These kids seem to have grown up on the beach, and were skateboarding and riding scooters all over the docks.
Colorful buoys that reminded me of the colorful people and quaint houses in Key West.
Lovely color, weathered wood and interesting windows.
The guy on the left was sitting on a stoop when I passed by him. As always I had my camera with me. He jumped up and said, "Take my picture with these guys." I said, "Where is your camera?" He had no camera, he just wanted me to take his picture. So I did. Then the guy with the belly tried to fix me up with Dreadhead, telling me what a great guy he was, and how I would really get along well with him. I just smiled and then he started asking me to post the picture on the Internet and let it fly through space and bring a smile to peoples heart. So here it is!

Supposedly the OG Jimmy Buffet Margaretville!
Old boats intrigue me. Where have they been? What have they seen?
This guy was dressed up as an Indian of some sort and played the drums so terribly. He had a fierce look on his face, and I thought he might jump me if I didn't give him money. I did not, and got away without a hitch.
The water is so clear that you can look right down and see the Tarpons!
This is Larry and he makes candles. I took his picture and told him to email me so I could send it to him. I am not sure he knew how to use a computer but he got all excited and said how he would print it and place it above his candles. There are lots of Larry's in the world who just need to be accepted and acknowledged. That is one thing I like about traveling; meeting people who in many ways are just like me.
The iconic Key West Rooster. I didn't understand how he was related to Key West until I walked through the city and saw roosters roaming the streets everywhere!
Goodbye and goodnight to one and all. Be at peace. God is in control. Susan Little