Sunday, July 12, 2015

The American River, California

 Over the 4th of July, I drove up to see my sister Judy and her husband Tom. Quite the drive. I started driving at midnight and 9 1/2 hours later, arrived at their house, dead tired. But I did avoid the traffic! While out on a walk the next day, we passed by this old school bus and had to get a picture.
Our 4th of July celebrations included a pancake breakfast at the Fire Station, a funky home town parade down the middle of Pollock Pines, several garage sales, and a late afternoon BBQ. By then I was too tired to go to the fireworks so Tom and Judy went without me. The next day Tom took us down to the American River for a swim. This is the view looking down from Hwy 50.

We jumped in the water and swam a little, waded and searched for rocks. Me and Judy tried to follow Tom down the river to see the wildflowers.  We did make it but found that it was very difficult to walk on water.
Pink, purple, red and blue wildflowers were growing everywhere.
Spotted this little crawfish, sunning himself underwater,
on a rock. Dinner anyone?
 My beautiful sister Judy wading in fairly deep water. Yes there is some water in California!
 Me and Judy, taking a break while Tom takes pictures. Tom found that Moses stick on the other side of the river and Judy grabbed that thing and wanted to be Mrs. Moses.  She was so very happy that day. It made me happy that she and Tom were so happy.
In my mind, it really doesn't get much better than this. I always feel happy to be in the Sierras, especially when I find such clear running water in the midst of our drought. Thank you Lord!
 Whenever I see such a scene as this, trees reflecting in the water, huge water worn boulders, colorful rocks rolling down the river, I know that God exists, and that He created this for our enjoyment.
 Years and years of water washing over the boulders makes them so very smooth. After I dunked in the cold water, I laid down on the warm rocks and felt the heat melt into my body.
Not that easy to walk in the river, I kept slipping, and sliding, especially on my way up to see the wildflowers. All I had was my mini Ipad to take pictures with, and fortunately I was able to keep it above water for the length of our trip.
 Here is Tom, my sisters husband, and my brother in law. I am so very fortunate to have two such wonderful, loving people in my life. Love you guys. Thank you for always taking care of me and helping me get back on my feet. I miss you already.
Tom and Judy took all of the pictures that don't have my name on them. Tom took this one of me sitting on the rock, before I jumped in the water.
Now I am happy to be home, watching this beautiful sunrise from my back yard, and taking care of all my plants. Love to one and all! May God bless and be with you. Susan Little