Friday, September 5, 2014

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, Big Sur, California

 Last week I drove up to Big Sur, California, to join the celebration for my niece's wedding. After driving endless hours on the I-5, I headed west on Hwy 46 which took me over to Cambria. The barren mountains on 46 were topped with clouds that gave them almost a purple glow.
 On the way up Hwy 1 towards Big Sur, it is nothing but curves and rugged coastline. Just outside of San Simeon, there is a rookery for Elephant Seals. I stopped to watch them, but they weren't moving much. Just the occasional wave and that was about it.
 The only seals on shores were juveniles that were molting, and their main purpose was just to lie there and grow new skin. I thought they were huge, but the docent  said they were only about 1/3 the size of an adult. In January, the Big Daddys come in to town and have their Beach Master competitions. A sight to see, or so I am told.
 Our three group campsites overlooked Sand Dollar Beach. One evening I walked down to the bluffs and shot these pictures of the sun setting over Sand Dollar Cove. A beautiful moment alone, in the quietness of an early evening.
  The setting sun turned the hillside redorange, but only for a few moments. The beaches were nearly empty, and the smell of sage and salt were in the air.
My sister Judy and her husband Tom joined me on long walks down to the ocean. The whole trip was totally awesome. I loved every minute; well almost every minute. I didn't exactly love the gopher burrowing under my tent in the middle of the night, or the pit toilets or the drunk guys arguing politics until 3 in the morning right outside my tent! But I did love them all when they were sober and happy and teasing me about shouting at them to shut up!

 The beaches are full of rocks, one of my favorite things. Rock sculptures led the way to Jade Cove, where the rocks shine green and blue in the sun. A giant treasure chest!
 A few hardy flowers bloom along the coast. The California Morning Glory, is a fragile white flower with purple hues that grows on a hardy vine. It was popping up everywhere on the bluffs and trails down to the beach.  
That would be me, sitting at the table, happy as can be.
Nick, my niece Michele and her son Mikah, Love you guys and wish you all the best.
 The morning of the wedding was absolutely perfect. It was pleasant weather, clear ocean views and stunning vistas. We walked as a group over to the bluff, and on the way I shot this view of the ocean. Amazing color and unending beauty.
My niece, Michele, coming down the trail with her dad, Tom, looking so absolutely gorgeous!
Michele and Nick, with Michele's son Mikah, getting ready to say their vows.
 A tearful moment, exchanging the rings.
 An awesome 4 piece Bluegrass band played during the wedding and also at the reception! My sister Judy and her husband Tom, looking mighty fine for the camera!
An old friend of the family, Craig, came up for the wedding and has a big smile for me in this picture. Love you Craig!
 Me and Tom and Judy, best of friends. Love you guys!
Michele looked so lovely in her wedding dress with her brilliant rainbow of flowers.
After 5 days in Big Sur, I finally headed home. I stooped in Ragged Pt for a cup of coffee, a moment of contemplation overlooking the water, and a very nice conversation with a man sitting next to me.
It took me 13 hours to get home and by the time I got in bed, I swore I would never travel again. After Ragged Point, I stopped at Hearst Memorial State Beach and went treasure hunting. That was really fun.
 Then I had to stop at Sebastian's and check out the general store. Took this cool picture of this old house, maybe a church, and when I got home,  noticed that Hearst Castle is up on the mountain behind the spire of the house. You might be able to see it if you are young and have good eyes.
 Two beautiful horses were roaming the meadow outside the house. This one came up to me and it was obvious he wanted something. I ran to my car and got an apple and he ate it right out of my hand. He had such big teeth and lips. After feeding the horse, I stopped in Cambria to buy succulents and drink coffee. After that I stopped 4 or 5 more times until I finally rolled in to my house about 11:30 pm. By midnight I was clean, warm and cozy, and well on my way to dreamland. Well that's the end of my story. Hope you are all well and happy. May God bless you and keep you and grant you your hearts desire. Susan Little