Monday, May 19, 2014

Tucumcari, New Mexico and Arizona

One of the reasons I love road trips is all the quirky places you see along the way. In New Mexico, I stopped at Tucumcari on old Route 66, and found some odd little stores, gas stations, motels and restaurants. The Blue Swallow motel guaranteed 100% refrigerated air!
I was actually disappointed Watsons wasn't open. It looked like it would have some great BBQ!
I never did find out if the gas pumps actually worked in this place.
 The Palomino was open for business, but I preferred sleeping in my car, which at times can be an experience in itself. On this trip I encountered a crazy women in a rest stop bathroom, a helicopter landing in the rest stop parking lot in the middle of the night, street sweepers nearly sweeping over my car at Walmart, a very forward trucker with an attitude, as well as some very nice people. In spite of it all, I do enjoy listening to the rain on the roof of my cargo box and looking out my tinted windows at the world around me!
I doubt this café gets much business.
This place seemed to be the classiest. Farewell to Tucumcari!
My last stop was in Prescott, AZ, to visit my friend Cynthia. We had a fabulous time shopping in town, eating out at Roses Italian Restaurant, attending a huge worship event in the Town Plaza, and endless cups of coffee and sharing our thoughts, prayers, fears, ideas and friendship.
I fell in love with Cynthia's little white dog, Harry. I tried to persuade her to let me take him home, but she wouldn't have any part of it......goodbye little Harry!
I have always loved the desert, and found this part of Arizona to be especially beautiful. 
 Wild flowers were beginning to bloom around the rocks and boulders.
This was by far the most exotic desert flower I have seen, and grew in great bushes along the highway.
 Clear skies showcase the spectacular views.
 The dark bushes had been burned, most likely in that huge fire last year where 19 Arizona firefighters were killed. Made me sad, especially since I knew my son Jon was fighting fires down in  the San Diego area that had been raging near my home.
Fragile white poppies with thorny stems and leaves hosted a variety of bugs in their yellow centers.
 Saguaro cactus had white flowers blossoming at the very tips of their limbs.
I don't want to see one more curios shop as long as I live.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, Kentucky and Tennessee

I really enjoyed camping at the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area located between Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake. My campsite was in Lake Barkley, and was absolutely beautiful; trees everywhere, views of the lake, a great lodge to sit and drink coffee and wonderful people to visit with.
 Lake Barkley is an enormous 58,000 acre reservoir, and was filled with people fishing off their boats, on the shores and off the docks.  I walked this little path near the lodge that followed the lakeshore.
My campsite on Lake Barkley with a view of the lake. My first site was down in the woods and I was the only one down there. Lacy, the campground manager, so graciously moved me up to a lakeside campsite where real people were camping.
That would be me standing in front of my car at the campsite!
When I wasn't at the lake, I was exploring the Land between the Lakes. Everything was so pretty. These two pictures were taken at Cedar Pond, a small pond near the main road.

 I followed the path all the way around the pond; so quiet, so peaceful.
 Eastern Bluebirds are all over Kentucky, yet at one time were struggling to survive. The introduction of bird houses helped the birds nest and rear their young without the competition of stronger birds.
Every time I tried to get close to the birdhouse, the bird flew at me. She looks like a gray moth in the picture. Very protective, good mommy.
The Homeplace is a settlement on the Land Between the Lakes that shows how a typical working 19th century Tennessee farmhouse operated.
The workers dress in period clothing and do all the work around the farm; planting, cooking, caring for the garden and farm animals.
 The quilts on the bed were hand-made by the women who work at the Homeplace. No sewing machines were used! The lady in the doorway is real, and works at the farm. She and I had a nice long talk while she made a rug and I recovered from the heat.
 There are 16 log structures on the farm that are the real thing.
The insides are furnished in period furniture and décor; all very cool.
This little pig actually climbed up into the feeding trough to eat and still managed to look sweet.
My sister Dorothy was the only one to notice this strange short horned steer with two heads and eight legs. She laughed so hard I thought she was going to have heart failure and go to steer heaven. It took me a while to get his pose, which is why they were probably staring me down. Love you Dorothy! 

After the Lake, I drove up to the Amish community in Marion, Kentucky. Brilliant yellow flowers blanketed the fields, while puffy gray clouds filled the sky.
It rained on and off all day, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this Amish community. The most wonderful thing I saw was a young boy about 12, bombing the hill on his roller skates. He had his head down like the Olympic Skaters do when they race, and had his hat in his hand, pressed against his chest like a shield. His hair was flying back as he raced down the hill, just like my boys did, only they used ultra modern skateboards. 
A barn door was open and I caught sight of the black buggies they use instead of cars. I saw Amish folk walking in the streets and driving their buggies, but I didn't dare take their picture.
Various farms have goods for sale; baked goods, plants, rugs, furniture, saddles. Everything handmade. I bought a beautiful oak and hickory magazine stand at one of the farms, strawberries at another, and cheese bread and pumpkin cake at one more.
A typical Amish farm; clean, white, lots of green grass, gardens and animals.
 On Sunday it was Mothers Day, so I drove up into the Ozarks in Arkansas where my Redneck friend Mike calls home. The hills are so green, probably because it is always raining!
I took a wet, muddy  hike out to Pedestal Rocks, where flowers mixed in with all the greenery.
 Beautiful, convoluted formations have eroded from the cliffs, creating these rocks.
I not only saw them from above, but had to climb down the rocky hillside to see them from the bottom.
Balanced Rock; a formation that reminds me of similar formations in Arches National Park.
On my way down the mountain, I stopped in old general store built in the early 1900's. On the counter was a huge bouquet of these pink honeysuckle flowers. The lady behind the counter proudly told me how her husband had picked them as a gift for Mothers Day! I found the honeysuckle growing wild in the hills.
Inside the old store is the original post office they used back in the day. Deer and elk heads were mounted on the walls along with all kinds of strange antique tools.
 My last stop was at the Illinois Bayou. I couldn't resist parking and walking down the steep trail to see it up close. One couple was fishing and a group of boys were horsing around at the other end.
 These boys ranged from 5 to 19, and were having a ball swinging on the rope into the river and pushing each other on and off the one inner tube they had.
Boys will be boys, no matter where they live. I wanted to jump in with them, but I didn't have my swimsuit. It made me so happy just to watch them, and remember how much fun I had with my boys growing up. A great way to spend Mothers Day since I was so far from home. Love to all of you, my family, friends and those friends I haven't yet met.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

 Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky is an awesome place. It was raining when I arrived so I quickly set up my rain tarp before doing anything else. It wasn't long before the rain stopped and I started my campfire!
My first morning in the park, I woke up all warm and cozy in the back of my car and this was my view out the back window!
 It rained on and off during my visit, but fortunately  I love the rain, clouds and cool weather. On the last day in Mammoth Cave National Park,  the temperatures jumped to nearly 100 degrees and I was pouring gallons of water over my body to keep cool. 
Early each morning, wild turkeys strutted through the campground, gobbling and squawking like there was no tomorrow. Reminded me of the roosters back home, waking me up before the crack of dawn with their crowing.
Violet and white Larkspurs lined the pathways in Mammoth Cave, filled the hillsides and popped up in the campground.
I took several visits into Mammoth Cave and found it to be an exceptional experience. This entrance to the cave is called the Historic Entrance and was the entrance first used to access the cave all the way back in the early 1800's. Our guide on this trip was a descendant of one of the original slaves used as guides in the cave. He was able to relay to us the deep sorrow and drudgery the slaves must have felt, whether they were guides or digging in the dirt,  mining for saltpeter to make gunpowder. 
 Jerry Bransford was the guide who took our small group into the cave and told us all the stories of growing up in the area, the slaves mining for saltpeter and his own slave ancestry.
One of the early slave guides, Stephen Bishop,  called the cave a "grand, gloomy and peculiar place." It was all that and more.
The cave is filled with strange and wonderful speleothems, including stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, travertine dams, and several types of gypsum formations. The whole thing is absolutely stunning. It takes your breath away.
Mammoth Cave is the world's longest cave system, with over 400 miles that have been explored. Some geologist think that there could be as many as 600 miles of unexplored passageways.
Since 1816, visitors have toured the subterranean labyrinths of Mammoth Cave, but it wasn't until 1941 that it was established as Mammoth Cave National Park. Over the ages, water leaking through the sandstone and shale cap, in areas called "sinks" eroded the limestone into a honeycomb of caverns and unique formations.
Here I am on the ferry ready to cross the Green River. Can just hear Fogarty singing, 
"I can hear the bullfrog callin' me, wonder if my rope's still hangin' to the tree.
Love to kick my feet 'way down the shallow water; shoefly, dragonfly, get back t'your mother.
 Pick up a flat rock, skip it across Green River."
 This pool of water flowing out of Mammoth Cave is actually called the River Styx, named after the river in Greek mythology coming out of hell itself.  
In this close up, you can see the water seeping out of the cave and dripping into the pool, eventually flowing back into the Green River.
Bright yellow flowers filled the sinks, deep depressions where water drains underground and eventually collapses into a huge hole.
When I wasn't in the cave, I spent hours roaming through the trails around the caves. It was easy walking, and at times overlooked the Green River. All that rain sure makes for lush green forests.
This one is for my sister Dorothy, who loves fungi; is that the right term? Mushrooms I guess they are called. This one was so pretty I posted it just for you, Dorothy. 
 Every time I saw these vines curling in and around the trees, I wanted to give the Tarzan holler.
On my way out of the park, I stopped for gas and found these two horses patiently waiting for their owner to get something from the convenience store.
I was driving through this country town of Auburn, when I saw this peeking through the trees. How strange is that? I had just visited the Washington Monument in DC so I had to see what it was. Turns out it is a memorial to Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States during the Civil War.

Of course I had to jump in the elevator and go to the top.
I had a 360 degree view from all four windows of the monument and could see for miles and miles. It reminded me to be patient when I can only see 2 feet in front of me. God can see the whole picture and He is able to lead me and guide me through this life. At times he takes me up to the top, and I can see for miles. Other times I walk by faith, knowing that He is with me and will lead me to green pastures. Good night to y'all! May God give you patience to wait upon Him.