Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bishop Creek, California

The road up to Bishop Creek is unbelievably beautiful. Whenever I catch a glimpse of these mountains, I have to stop and take a picture to remember the moment.
Sometimes I just need to get away and think, so for the last few days I have been camping up in Bishop Creek. Wildflowers are profusely blooming throughout the basin.
I camped right on this segment of the creek that was lined with Aspen, all fresh with green leaves. Whenever the wind whispered, each leaf shook independently, as if they were talking to me.
Wild roses are in bloom; this one is still fresh in the bud.
While sitting down at the creek thinking and reading my Bible,I looked up and saw the sun reflecting on this wild rose branch.

The campfire not only warms my body but cheers my heart; a good place to sit and relax.
My faithful Subaru parked in my campsite. I sleep in the back and it is very comfortable; two foam pads, a sleeping bag and three down quilts might have something to do with it.
This huge Jeffrey Pine stood in the back of my campsite; just imagine all the things he has seen.
Sitting down at the creek, watching the water ripple and the sun dappled shadows appear and disappear.
Towards the back of the campground is a beautiful walk with a large green meadow, deer feeding in the evening, two fresh water springs, and endless trees, flowers and mountains.
The stunning view of the mountains right outside the campground; wild, wonderful wilderness.