Celebrating the 4
th of July with Cindy at a good old hometown
Enumclaw Parade, complete with marching bands, a
children's bike group, trucks, handsome men, animals and little ponies all decorated in red, white and blue! Terribly good fun. The parade was free from rain, but that night, down it came!
Two beautiful women and one little pony dressed to the nines.....
One very proud motorcycle rider who stopped and posed for me so I could get his picture!
Boys and
their toys; men just love a good truck!
Mount Rainier National Park in Washington; one of my favorite places on earth.
Finally I have found sunshine after nearly 4 weeks of rain, it was wonderful. Mt Rainier is in the background, covered in snow and ice.
On the way to Paradise, I stopped at Nickel Creek, climbed down the mountain and crawled through brush and trees to get this photo of Nickel Creek. Worth every bit of effort it took to get there.
Everywhere I turned there was a creek, river or waterfall filled to overflowing from the abundant winter snowfall melting. This is Falls Creek, on the way to Paradise.
Even after such an intense winter, spring flowers continue to bloom. Sort of a lesson for me; "Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5
Parts of the park were completely covered in snow and others were filled with lush greenery.
Ohanapecosh River at the southern end of the Park. A clear, freezing cold river where I attempted to wash off some of my grime. I found a quiet spot and waded in up to my waist and nearly died from the cold. Then I stuck my head in and tried to wash my hair, splashed some water on my arms and waded out. By then I was nearly numb from the cold, but it was 80 degrees sitting on the rocks, so I dried pretty quickly all the while flicking huge ants off my towel.
Silver Falls; very incredible place right near the
Ohanapecosh campground. I am completely astounded by its beauty.
One day Cindy and I got lost and ended up at
Tipsoo Lake on the Chinook Pass. To take the picture I climbed around the lake and fell in the snow a couple times, saved the camera, and was able to get this shot of Mt Rainier reflected in
Tipsoo Lake.
Sunrise Visitor Center sits at 6400 feet and was covered in snow. All the trails I usually take had turned into cross country skiing, and me and Cindy only had our hiking boots. So we just climbed around in the snow, took some pictures and headed down the hill.
Mt. Rainier playing hide and seek in the clouds.
This is me at the White River getting ready to cross this little skinny log bridge to stand above the river and try not to panic.
One morning I woke up from a very bad dream. I was nearly in tears and it was only 5:30 am, but I got up anyway to shake off the pain. Through the trees, I glimpsed the pink mountain and raced up to the bridge to get some pictures. The memories of the bad dream faded away in the awesome beauty of Mt Rainier all dressed up in pink.
The picture above and the picture below are from the same viewpoint; sitting on the bridge in middle of the river with the spray of water splashing up in my face. The picture above is early morning, the picture below, middle of the day.
The bridge over the White River; a great place to sit and watch and think.
From the White River Campground, this view shows the grass covered
moraine and the huge path below where the glaciers passed. The White River flows down the path, originating from the
Emmons Glacier on Mt Rainier.
The big trees down at the Grove of the Patriarchs; some of these trees are a thousand years old. Imagine the stories they could tell.
Me and Cindy; my faithful friend and sister in Christ. She always has an open heart, a meal to share, a story to tell and a sincere love for others.
Early one morning I came across a herd of Roosevelt Elk crossing the road directly in front of me. I stopped the car and managed to photograph this female, hiding in the bushes.
Me at my campground on the White River; you can see my tent in the background. Sometimes I sleep in my car, but if the weather is nice, I prefer my little orange tent; so comfy. At times it scares me when creatures roam about in the night and I hear them scratching and sniffing and looking around; kind of creepy.
Believe it or not, this little waterfall is in one of the campsites at the White River Campground! I
didn't choose this site because of the pool of standing water that would soon become mosquito heaven; something this camping queen avoids like the plague.